Friday, January 28, 2005

Health Services Access Survey


One of our students discovered the Health Services Access Survey reference on the StatsCan website. When she showed the questionnaire to her Professor, he was very excited about the prospect of accessing the data. Any prospects?

He suggested that she try to use this for her project this term. I would assume that this is not a reasonable expectation -- correct?


In July 2003, it was announced that no PUMFs would be produced from this. We were referred to the CCHS and to:

Thursday, January 20, 2005

DA / CT Code Concordance


Could anyone tell me if there is a DA / CT code concordance?

If I have a specific DA code, found in an .ivt file, e.g. 35390360192, I can identify that it is a London DA from the CD and CSD codes, but is there a simple way of finding where in London that DA is, without searching every CT in the Dissemination Maps?
A concordance, or listing under CT?


You can use GeoSuite 2001 to find in which CD a DA belongs. GeoSuite can be downloaded from the DLI FTP site and is located under the directory: geography/2001/geosuite.

I just did the following search to create a correspondence listing of DA-CD's in London.

A. From the main menu: Name Search

B. Enter Name: London and select (highlight) London CSD

C. Click NEXT and select Dissemination Areas (click on radio button)

D. Click NEXT and double-click on DAuid, scroll down to CTname and CT and double-click on both of them.

E. Click NEXT and the correspondence table will be displayed.

The code breakdown can be explained as follows:
The 2001 Census DA-level tables in B2020 use an eleven-digit code for DA's, while GeoSuite and GeoSearch use an eight-digit code. Here are the breakdowns of these codes given the above example:

DA-level 2001 Census Table: 35390360192

35 : Province
39 : CD
036 : CSD
0192 : DA

GeoSearch result for this DA: 35390192

35 : Province
39 : CD
0192 : DA

The definitons for CTname and CT are provided in GeoSuite.

CTname: The three-digit CMA code precedes the CTname (a number, not an actual name)

Census Tract Code (or CT in GeoSuite): each Census Tract is assigned a four-digit code.

Where does the 3599 come from? It is the four-digit Census Tract Code.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Statistics for the Maritimes


A patron is looking for the following information by Census Division for 1950 to the present for the maritime provinces - NB, NS, and PEI - income per capita, unemployment, average wages, births deaths and population. She was referred to the Taxfiler Data files but they are only available for 1995-1999. Any ideas where I should go to get this info for the other years?


For income per capita, and/or average wages:
1983-1989: Income estimates for sub-provincial areas (print; STC 13-216)
1984-1988: Urban FSA and rural postal code summary data (print; STC 17-602)
other years: census years only (1951, 1961, 1971 1981-2001)
(remember that prior to 1971, the census collected only earned income, and only in census years ending in '1' prior to 1986)

For unemployment:
all years: census years only (1951, 1961, 1971 1981-2001)
1976-2003: Labour force historical review (by economic region only, not census division)

For births, deaths, and population, there is CD-level data in CANSIM I & II:
1925-1970: Vital statistics (print only; STC 84-202)
1971-1973: 84-204 (table 6)
1974-1976: Principal vital statistics by local areas (84-207)
1976/77-1986: CANSIM I matrices 6486, 6487 6488, or CANSIM II 51-0030
1987/87-2001: CANSIM I matrices 9236, 9237 and 9238, or CANSIM II: matrices 51-0014, 51-0015

Also, Taxfiler Data files may be available in print for previous years - check your collection.

1978 Canada Health Survey Codebook


I am looking for the codebook for the 1978 Canada Health Survey. I cannot find it on the website with the data but the StatsCan library catalogue says it exists. How can I get a copy?


You can find a copy at either: or